How to Break Bad Habits with Habit Training Bracelets 2

How to Break Bad Habits with Habit Training Bracelets

Lately I’ve been having a quite a bit of success breaking bad habits using this bracelet trick I’ve discovered. I read about this trick awhile back, so I thought I would give it a try, and since it’s working for me I knew I had to share how to break bad habits with habit training bracelets with you all!

When it comes to parenting, have you ever noticed how the balance between calm and chaos hinges on good and bad habits? Habits like doing dishes right after meals, or cleaning the bathroom on a regular basis, and habits like consistency in parenting, they can make or break the order and peace in a home. Something else I’ve been noticing is how bad habits can be sneaky.

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Sometimes they storm in and you notice them immediately-especially if they are bad and very noticeable, as in a child that begin’s hitting when they are angry. Other habits creep in quietly, as in a child that begins to talk disrespectfully to siblings or parents. This usually starts very quietly as a pout, and isn’t noticed until it’s an ingrained habit when the kids are very clear and have learned to vocalize their feelings!

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The Bracelets

So I’ve come up with this plan of attack for breaking bad habits by using these bracelets I crochet. I’ve made four for myself and am working on ones for the kids. I crochet them around elastic that I bought, I could have used hair ties but they would be too tight for most of us and cut off circulation. I wanted something soft because I’m nursing and find that jewelry/metal bracelets hurt my wrist or the baby during feeding. So I came up with the idea to crochet bracelets.

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The Process, How to Break Bad Habits with Habit Training Bracelets

Each one of us picked a bad habit we wanted to conquer. Mine is letting bad words slip (I know, I’m ashamed to admit this is a problem for me but it is-I’ll write a blog post about this later).

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I also had my kids pick for themselves a bad habit they would like to stop doing. I was so proud of them, even the 6 year old picked a bad habit all by himself that he wants to stop (it melted my heart when he picked his because he’s so little yet he knew there was something specific he should stop and he was so solemn and sweet when he said what it was).

I’m in the process of making all the kids bracelets still- but I wanted to go first to be a good example to the kids and also establish in their minds that I acknowledge my bad habit is truly a BAD habit.

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Here’s how it works. It’s actually a very simple deal that you’ve probably heard of before-I didn’t make the concept up. I start each day with the bracelets on one wrist. As the day progresses each time I let a bad word slip I immediately take a bracelet off and put it on the other wrist.

How It’s Going

The first day I think I went through all the bracelets. Two practically in one phrase (the second bad word was because I realized I messed up by saying the first bad word-my kids were laughing at me at this point).

So far I’m finding that the bracelets are helping a lot. I’m suddenly more aware of my bad habit and I’m to the point I’m catching and stopping myself at least half the time. Most day’s now I only go through two bracelets.

I’ve selected a reward for myself (a new plant) if I can drastically decrease by the end of the month. Once I conquer this habit I’ll move on to something else (haven’t decided what yet-there are so many to choose from, lol)! The kids are going follow along with their habits as soon as I get their bracelets finished, I’ll keep you posted as to how things go for them!

Hey! Are you planning your next homeschool year or next semester? Be sure to read my post 25 Tips For How To Plan A Homeschool Year. And are you going to be schooling with a new baby or toddler? Be sure to read my post, How To Homeschool With A Baby

Would you like to learn more about Charlotte Mason’s habit training philosophy? I recommend reading A Parent’s Chief Duty–Early Years Homeschooling, Part 1 and Habit Training in the Early Years–Early Years Homeschooling, Part 2

Did you know that I have a chore chart that I’ve created that implements habit training? Learn more about it HERE.


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18 thoughts on “How to Break Bad Habits with Habit Training Bracelets”

  1. I love this idea! Having that gentle reminder with you at all times is a really great way to change bad habits. (I let bad words slip, too. That might be the first unit I try to change.)

    1. Really? I keep hearing this, I’m so glad to hear I’m not sharing something mundane, lol!!!!

  2. Shannon Graham

    What a wonderful and positive way to tackle bad habits. I will be saving this idea and using it for myself. <3

    1. Shannon, I’m glad you found this post one to save! Yay! Let me know how it works for you!

  3. I’ve actually never heard of this method to tackle a habit you want to change. I’m intrigued! Also, if you haven’t yet read it, I highly recommend James Clear’s Atomic Habits – it has really changed the way I see approaching goals through improving habits.

  4. sunshineandholly

    What a great idea! I’ve been trying to stop biting my nails for years. May have to try this method!

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