
You’re a busy woman. You don’t always have 5 to 10 minutes to focus and read a blog post. I get it. Since my primary mission is all about sharing my journey and what I learn along to the way to empower and encourage those who’ve taken on the ministry of serving others through homemaking and those involved with raising the next generation, I’ve decided to add an easier way for you to cut strait to the chase and “get the goods”!

Podcasts by Singing A New Song will make it easy for you to enjoy my blog posts while you are multitasking, be it cooking dinner, driving, cleaning the bathroom-whatever!

I’m VERY excited about this new feature! I believe it will open up all kinds of new ways for me to share with you all.

Current Podcasts by Shayla at Singing A New Song

Most Recent…..


What Is A Homemaker & What’s One Worth?

Singing A New Song’s Mission

What do you think? I really want to know! If you have feedback or something to add to this post let's hear it!