Making Motherhood Easier this May 2

Making Motherhood Easier this May

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Let’s be honest. If you are a mom, at some point you’ve been just a little appalled at all the surprises you were in for when you began this motherhood gig. You’ve maybe even been a little sad, or even dare I say frustrated at how unprepared you were if you are like most women! You’d think that for one of the most physically and mentally challenging jobs there should be training camps or something!

But we all know if there were then very few of us would become mom’s. Which would be bad because then we wouldn’t get to experience all the love and the beauty that no words, no training could ever prepare us for.

It’s true, there’s no hood like motherhood. It’s hard alright, but it’s equally as rewarding.

Here’s the thing. There are seasons of motherhood that are all about the necessities. Surviving. Keeping the kids alive and catching a random fluke shower. Am I right?

This May I’m going to be sharing with you all some of my favorite sanity saving mama tips and tricks, recipes, and a couple heavy on my heart posts regarding some things that I believe need to be said regarding mothers, young and aged. Here’s what I’m cooking up;

~minimizing toys (and getting the kids on board)
~the best and most fun chore chart (that really works)
~what not to say to tired new moms (and how to be a blessing instead)
~what not to say to tired aged moms (and how to be a blessing instead)
~how grandma’s/aunts can help with the next generations (and enrich their lives in the process)
~help for breaking bad habits
~recipes in case you can’t think of what’s for dinner

Be sure you’ve subscribed to my newsletters to assure you don’t miss a post though!

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While you’re here check out 5 Mothers Day Gift Idea’s For Mom’s That Have It All

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