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Fun And Helpful Educational Materials

Fun And Helpful Educational Materials homeschool
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For the last two months I’ve been focusing on back to homeschool posts here at Singing A New Song. Producing homeschool related posts is one of my passions, and this homeschool post production spree has brought with it all kinds of unexpected things, including stretching and sharpening me in good ways and introducing me to some new discoveries. I thought it would be fun to finish out this spree with some of those discoveries as well as our family’s favorite fun and helpful educational materials.

Please note that this post will contain affiliate links, and although I get a small commission from them (which helps keep this blog running) that it doesn’t cost you anything extra to purchase through them. Please also note that when you follow my Amazon links it will take you to the products through your own Amazon account.

Before I go on with this post I should specify that I’m not finished sharing homeschool related posts-I’ll still be writing them! I think I must have 20 simmering right now! But I do intend to cut back on them and begin writing posts for my other categories again. I’m especially excited to start sharing some recipes and lifestyle posts again!

My goal at this time is to produce one or two homeschool or education related post a month.

Our Favorite Fun And Helpful Educational Materials

Today I am so excited to share some of our family favorite fun and helpful educational materials and resources! So here we go……………

Watercolor Backgrounds

These are new, and they are my own creation! These are a set of 5 beautiful watercolor backgrounds released this last September.

We have using them as schedule (or rhythm) backgrounds but you could use them for anything!

The backgrounds are blank, but if you want the templates (which could also work for homeschool daily rhythms) you can download them for free HERE.

School Subject Cards

This is another creation by me that I added to my Etsy shop. One of our children was having trouble with the daily schedule so I simply wrote his school subjects on these beautiful cards that I created. They are called School Subject Cards. Wow, they make things easier for him!

So we live in a smallish town, the population is just under 5,000. This is why I was so surprised to find the most special little toy store that is owned by a retired homeschooling mom of 7 and who has fully loaded the store with educational materials.

Last week I took my kids there to get some fun and helpful educational materials for our homeschool. It is always a little stressful taking the kids in there because there are 6 kids and every time we go in there they want everything they see! I can’t blame them because I do too. It’s probably our favorite store!

Here are the goodies we found there last week-I found them on Amazon and included links so you can get them too if you want.

Melissa & Doug Stamping Kit

Okay, I’ve wanted this for a few months and so I finally snagged it! My youngest daughter started preschool recently so I wanted this to help her master upper and lower case letters as well as numbers. I didn’t notice until after I got it that it also has punctuation marks and math symbols. Both she and our 1st grader love it!

Robert Frost Poetry For Kids

I’ve been having trouble finding books about seasons and season changes at the library, so I was delighted to find this! The artwork in it is so beautiful.

I love supporting local businesses, but I will tell you that I bought this for around $14.00 at the toy store but then found it on Amazon for under $6.00! I included the link below.

Melissa and Doug Writing Mats

Okay, I have writing mats-but these are different! Regular writing mats require dry erase markers. You do not use a dry erase marker with these, you can use pencils on them and simply wash them clean!!!!

Perks are less mess, saving money (dry erase markers get expensive-especially when you consider kids can’t seem to remember to put the lids back on and they dry out all the time). We discovered that they work with washable colored pencils very well. There are special crayons you can get to write on these with by Melissa and Doug as well.

These are so well thought out!

I like how on the math facts one there is a side with answers for practice but the back has the problems without answers for testing.

In my post How To Homeschool With A Baby I gave lots of ideas on how I keep little ones entertained while I teach the older kids.

I am always looking for new and fresh ideas though, and I have been wanting to update some of our supplies for the baby and pre-schooler. So when I went into the toy store I asked the owner her suggestions for toys to keep young children busy and out of trouble while I’m teaching the younger.

Having homeschooled 7 children herself she smiled and set me up right away.

Water Wow Coloring Pads

The first thing she showed me are Water Wow Coloring Pads by Melissa and Doug. These are the best toddler coloring books ever! There is no ink, only water. You fill this brush pen thing with water and they paint the water on the pages, then color magically appears on the page!

I love that there is no mess!!!!


The other suggestion she had are the most odd little toys, but the younger kids love them! The description says for six months plus-however I personally would put the single suction one up and would not let the baby play with it just in case. They are not supposed to present a choking hazard, but the single one would scare me (my kids have big mouths, lol). They are supposed to help with teething though. We have the double and triple suction cup ones and the one year old loves them! It might even be a good idea to put some in the fridge and pull them out for teethers.

Cavallini Posters

One of my personal favorite educational products are Cavallini Posters. I limit myself to one a month! I love switching them out in our homeschool space.

I get ours locally, but you can get them through Amazon.

With the longer northern winters I’ve been researching more ways to hygge up so to speak, and I think the posters will be nice to add a splash of color and cheer to the walls through the winter!


One of the very fun developments over the last month is my second Instagram account dedicated to homeschooling! If you are a homeschooling mom and not utilizing Instagram for encouragement and inspiration you are missing out! There are so many amazing homeschool accounts on Instagram, so be sure to hop over to my account and check out some of the mom’s I’m following there! I’m hoping to feature a homeschool account a week, so if you follow me there I’ll plug you in with some amazing inspo!!

Here are some of my favorites to get you started!

Unrelenting Grace
Heather is a pastors wife and homeschool mom to 5. Here account is total eye candy and so inspiring because she’s so REAL!

The Hidden Way
Another beautiful and encouraging account I love is by Emily. She is a homeschooling mom and a public school teachers wife. Her feed is stunning with rich content. It always gets me in the homeschool mood!

What are some of your favorite education resources for your kids? Please share them in the comments below!

Be sure to check out my other homeschool related posts while you are here if you have time!

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