You guys!!!!! I’m celebrating! This is my 100th post here at Singing A New Song! It’s now been just a little over a year since I began this journey to professional blogging!
Oh my goodness, what a journey this has been! One of the bigger challenges has been the learning curve, which is honestly still happening. This has been a little bit of a challenge for me because it’s hard for me to gain new knowledge at this stage of my life with everything else that’s going on with my family and keeping up with their needs. But you know what they say! Just because something is hard doesn’t mean it’s not worthwhile! Although gaining needed knowledge has been a difficult and slow process it has been a steady forward process.
Although there have only really been a couple, another challenge has been some of the hurtful comments and lack of support from some people. The bright side is this can be looked at as a blessing because hey, it reveals my truest friends/family! This is always a good thing to learn because who wants to put time and energy into people that don’t support you and want to see you succeed, you know what I mean?
Speaking of that……
I think one of the hardest things for me through the blogging process is that it’s forced me face some of my biggest fears head on.
Putting myself out there through this blogging venture has brought all of my biggest fears to the front burner for me to process. One of these fears is my fear of failure. I often have to remind myself of why I started doing this, and that with this I only fail if I give up. Remembering this helps keep me moving forward.
Another challenge has been learning what what my readers love best from Singing A New Song all the while trying to stay true to the original mission of sharing our journey with the hopes of helping others on similar paths. Over the last couple months I’ve been taking polls, trying this and that which has helped give me insights….which leads me to the blessings that being a blogger have brought…………….
I’m really blessed since the majority of my family and friends support and cheer me on. This has meant so much to me!
Perhaps the biggest shout out goes to my husband and kids though.
Starting with my husband….this man is one of the most self sacrificing, giving persons I know. Without his funding, support, and belief in the work I’m doing here and me this website would not be half of what it is!

And my kids! Of course I wouldn’t have very much interesting to share or talk about without them! They provide me with one opportunity after another to learn and grow, and with that of course comes something interesting to share!
I feel like the last couple months have been a super big month for Singing A New Song for a couple reasons. One is I feel like I’m really finding my beat, so to speak.
Some changes that have occured are website updates, I’ve joined Like To Know it, & accomplished a major YouTube overhaul and growth. I’ve also been able to improve my video quality and found ways to grow my YouTube channel. Here are two recent video’s I’ve done that are both about a minute long to give you an idea of what I’ve been up to there. Be sure to HEAD OVER THERE though to see all that’s new and don’t forget to subscribe!
Over the last year I’ve learned how to use Pinterest as a blogger and so another change is that my Pinterest is doing well lately too (BTW, I recently updated my Pinterest boards to make your user experience a little simpler). It’s exciting because now I get more traffic most days from Pinterest than anywhere else, so major success with that which is super nice.
In addition to this I rebranded my Instagram accounts in order to streamline and simplify my editing process.

I felt like rebranding these was a little overdue, and because of some of the rebranding steps I took it helped me drastically improve and simplify how I’m able to deliver on the SNS original goals on Instagram. I’m able to share in more real time there which helps me to share authentically now too.
So you guys, I’ve another big and super fun change in the works. Although we are working on it now, I can’t share too much of what it is just yet. Be sure to continue coming back though because a very special announcement is coming this summer.
Lastly, I want to thank each and every one of you for being here. I mentioned how Singing a New Song wouldn’t be here without my husband and kids, but you know it wouldn’t be here without YOU either. So a heartfelt thank YOU for being a part of of the Singing A New Song journey!
Real quick, before I close I thought it would be fun to look back at the top 10 most popular posts here at Singing A New Song!
If you are a reader be sure to leave me a comment below, let me know your favorite topics and posts that you’ve enjoyed over the past year here at Singing A New Song!
Are you a blogger? I’d love to hear your challenges and triumphs in your blogging journey too! Tell me about them below!
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That’s awsome, congrats, you are so lucky to have your family support, I’m almost three years in and mine still doesn’t care. Here’s to many more milestones
CONGRATS on reaching your 100th post!!! That’s so awesome! Your posts are always such a great read…keep em coming!
MAJOR CONGRATULATIONS on your 100th post!🎉 How exciting! You are certainly blazing a trail and I’m happy to follow your journey!😃
Congratulations on hitting such an important milestone! You’re off to a wonderful start as a blogger – your posts are interesting, honest, and always seem to resonate.
Congratulations! And what a great idea to put your top 10 posts from your blog right here for us to see which articles are most loved!
Congratulations! That is so exciting! Your post are always interesting and encouraging!
That’s great you are doing so much writing and blogging. Congrats on your 100th!
Congratulations! Hard work is definitely paying off! I must say, I absolutely looooveeee your pictures/images. They’re beyond gorgeous and professional.
One hundred posts? That’s awesome! I’m not even sure how many I have, to be perfectly honest. Good job keeping up with that 😉
Congratulations on 100 posts! I’m still very early into the learning curve.
Congrats, hope you have a great week. cant wait for more blog post!!
I’m trying to calculate how many hours 100 posts equates to for me, and I’m in awe. Congratulations on reaching 100!
congratulations on hitting your 100th post! Here’s to many more to come!