Frazzle Free Christmas for Mothers

Delegate Christmas & Remain Sane This Holiday Season

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This year I’ve decided to Delegate Christmas & Remain Sane This Holiday Season. I’m so pleased to announce that Christmas 2019 productions in our home are brought to us this year by my children (mommy and daddy contributed gifts of course).

With six kids, homeschooling, taking care of a toddler, running the home (modern homemaking), running the blog, and maintaining family relationships -I tell you, I can spin all these plates (in a scheduled rotation). It’s not always easy but I can do it. The only problem is if you add just one more plate everything crashes.

A Shift

For the last couple years I’ve not been able to make Christmas as special as I would have liked because of my other responsibilities as a homeschool mom. Lately I’ve been realizing a shift in the times though. I’ve known for awhile what amazing helpers my kids are growing into.

I’ve been seeing that if I slow down and designate a few chores, that what would be a day’s worth of work (for me alone) is completed in an hour or less when we work together.

There’s been another change in the tides lately though. Unlike prior years I’m starting to find that less steps are forgotten and the older kids are getting better about doing jobs well/all the way.

I discovered this year that I could pass off some select activities like the holiday festivities and that I have eager and able hands to take over.

I first noticed this when I passed off the holiday decor plate this Fall season. I planned a few fall bucket list activities and then put my daughter in charge of autumn festivities after she offered to take them on. I was a little slow to let go of the reigns but I knew I’d never be able to make it very special with all the other responsibilities I had and still maintain my health with the thyroid issues I’ve been having.

So I passed the torch to my her and she was thrilled! She did such a much better job than I ever could have. For weeks she carried out fun art activities and decor for the kids and helped them. She made this autumn one of the most special for our family!

Then came Thanksgiving. We wanted to have family over, but I didn’t know how I was going to pull it off. So we made a plan that the day before Thanksgiving we would pull together and get the food cooked so we could have family and fun on Thanksgiving day. With the exception of the oldest (who’s school workload has increased this year and needed to study) the kids worked by my side and we had so much fun cooking together and using all the math skills we’ve learned with fractions and following directions.

None of the kids complained once. There was so much joy and excitement in the air!

As a result I was able to keep all the critical plates spinning in the days prior to this and we had a beautiful, and blessed Thanksgiving with family.

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Sorry, this is the only picture I got because we were all having too much fun to take pictures! I know, if I was a more dutiful blogger I would have gotten pictures of the food and everything for you all. I know. Bad, bad blogger.

I’ll try harder for Christmas, lol!

Setting the Mood With Music

I think we can all agree, music is such a very special part of Christmas!

Our family is a little picky about Christmas music, and I’ll admit we probably have very unique taste. We like peaceful Christmas music for sure-it helps offset the chaos (and noise) that can come with having such a big family.

The hubby and kids started making Christmas music selections before Thanksgiving this year. I put together a small but beautiful playlist of their selections.

Although there are only three videos the last one is 3 hours and it’s perfect for background music!

Delegate Christmas & Remain Sane This Holiday Season

So here’s how I’ve been delegating Christmas productions so far and kept from trying to spin one more plate that I really just can’t.

It wasn’t too complicated. I said to the kids, “If you clean the house today you can go get the decorations and decorate for Christmas.”

Usually it takes a half a day or more to clean the house. They did it in a couple hours. Next thing you know Christmas productions 2019 were in full swing.

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My kids have always helped in years past with decorating for Christmas, but this year instead of them helping mama, mama helped them when and if needed. They were in charge. Let’s just say, there was no complaining. This appears to be something they’ve waited their entire lives for. With all the excitement you’d have thought I gave them a car.

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I love cooking and decorating for the holiday’s. I know that soon I’ll be able to really get into it again, but for now I need to pass as much of the holiday planning off to the kids, supervise and not complain about how they choose to do things.

This does require a fair amount of tongue biting on my part, I’ll admit. Like when I saw this mini gnome’s placement. At first I bumbled. “I’m not sure that should go there.” The child that placed it there went over to move it. I caught myself. Suddenly the humor and preciousness of how kids decorate got me. “Never mind, it’s perfect. Leave it there. Let me get a picture.” My child smiled and we giggled together at the mini gnome on top of the Christmas tree.

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This year something EXTRA special happened.

All this buzz went down on Saturday, when daddy was around. Instead of working in the garage and helping me with laundry, all the excitement drew him in and he joined the kids. I realized we’ve always done the Christmas decorating when he was at work before. I think from now on we will do them when daddy’s around. He seemed to enjoy being a part of the process. It was special to watch him as he peacefully took it all in and even got involved when needed.

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My hubby will never admit this, but he loves Christmas. We discovered this last year when he would go over and plug the Christmas tree in when he got off work after seeing the lights were off, and because when he’s home on weekends he YouTube’s his favorite Christmas songs and plays them for us all.

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He loves the Trans Siberian Orchestra’s version Carol of the Bells and Mary Did You Know by Luna Lee (on the video playlist above).

The Results

I think everyone did such a lovely job decorating for Christmas! Take a look!

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Aren’t these Christmas gnomes the coolest!?!?! I don’t know why, I just love gnomes!

I couldn’t find any just like mine but I found some that are similar on Amazon for you.

(affiliate link)

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Isn’t the food one of the most fun parts of the holidays? I know our family really get’s into it. My husband and the kids planned our Christmas menu for Christmas week. I’ll definitely be taking advantage of our local Walmart’s grocery pickup rather than fighting crowds. Have you seen how easy grocery pickup is yet? Here’s a video I made of how easy it is!

We are probably going to be having fun with this menu all month long because I’ve learned to make two or three batches of pretty much everything so that I’m not cooking all the time.

Here’s what they’ve planned so far;

Christmas Cookies

Christmas Week Menu

  • cookies (of course)
  • cinnamon rolls
  • Christmas puddings (I don’t know what this is. My 6 year old requested it. So I guess one of the kids will make vanilla pudding?
  • Buckeyes (hubby has been talking about these for months and said he’s making them for Christmas)
  • Christmas ham (turkey)
  • Roasted baby potatoes
  • Green beans
  • My Caesar Salad
  • Popcorn

Of course I’ll be making my Baklava. I’ve made this treat for the holidays for years!

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So tell us, what are your plans for Christmas this year? Do you have older kids that you can pass the Christmas torch on to? Tell me how you roll with the Holiday’s in the comments section below!

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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29 thoughts on “Delegate Christmas & Remain Sane This Holiday Season”

  1. I love this post. I love taking the opportunity to not put it all on your own shoulders. Also love changing Christmas decorating to a time when dad is home to join in. I find myself doing a lot of things while my husband is at work that I know he’d like to be apart of with the kids.

  2. This is a wonderful idea. I read somewhere a quote, “If Christmas is stressing you out, then, you’re celebrating it the wrong way” and this shift is just the answer to it. I also believe that it’s a good training for your kids. I’m excited for them to take the lead and let their creativity out. Merry Christmas to your family.

  3. I too didn’t know how we were going to pull off the holidays as usual this year. All of our workloads has increased. But we came together as you did with a plan of delegation and Thanksgivings went on! Now on the Christmas and 2 birthdays.

  4. Such great ways to de-stress Christmas! We need to delegate and not try and do it all ourselves. So overwhelming that way.

  5. Staying sane is a must! Everyone puts so much pressure on themselves when you could pass out the tasks/ dishes to others and it will all get done! Your decor is gorgeous.

  6. Everyone did a wonderful job! My husband actually does most the Christmas decorating because I hate it… not the decorations but putting everything out. I do all the shopping though so I guess it evens itself out.

  7. First, can I just say, your family is beautiful. And seeing all the kids work together is such an amazing sight. And second, good for you, mama. Delegating is often so hard in motherhood (we feel we need to do it all) but it’s so great for kids. We can see how much they’ve grown and how independent and take charge they can be, if we let them. Hope you guys have an amazing and peaceful Christmas!

  8. Brittany limberakis

    Love this! We only have one little one left at Christmas and everyone else is an adult or teenager so for years now our parents have had us do the grunt work!

  9. My kids definitely love decorating the tree. If I could get them equally eager to help clean the house that would be nice. It’s hard for me to give up control sometimes though. I need to get better at this.

  10. Oh how you inspire me to keep all these plates spinning! What an incredible metaphor to help understand why delegation is crucial!! And delegating to the kids? How stinking special does that make them feel? Kids want to be in charge of their lives and then to be able to spread so much joy to the rest of the family, I’m sure makes them enjoy this time of year even more. We do a lot of this too! LOOOOVE (as usual :):)) Can I just say, I’m thankful for finding your blog. You’re such an inspiration 🙂

  11. I have to agree with you on the use of music in setting the mood. This holiday has been stressful with three active children, but music does calm the beast within.

  12. YES to delegate! My motto is “clear the decks.” In advance of all the holiday “extras” that come up – school parties, performances and concerts, etc. – I make a conscious effort to EMPTY our schedule as much as possible. In preparation for extra expenses, I try to shop for gifts year-round, and do as much of a “no-spend November” as we can (even eating out of pantry/freezer so we can clear space for the extra food we need to prepare for hosting out-of-town relatives for a week! – though we also delegate meals to them for prepping). Before the “clutter” of new gifts arrives, I try to sweep out all the outgrown, no-longer-used, etc. so it can go to someone who WILL use it/DOES need it more than we do. And if it’s an “extra” obligation that doesn’t feed my soul, I try to eliminate it from our lives!

  13. Wow! Great suggestions! Christmas or the holidays in general can become overwhelming at times! But it should be about relaxing and like you stated “staying sane”. My husband has a big family and we could surely put these tips to good use lol!

  14. These are great tips! I have a large family with nine kids, and now that we are all adults and have families of our own, there are about 30 of us that gather for the holidays. I’m definitely going to use some of these ideas!

  15. Since I am prego, in my 3rd trimester and on light bedrest, I haven’t done much of anything during this holiday season. My daughter helped with decorating the tree. I haven’t done any shopping.

  16. Carissa Batts Godbott

    I think this is amazing that everyone is helping out! I have learned even with my two that giving them simple task like setting the table, they enjoy and love helping mommy out! I hope as they get older I can really delegate holiday tasks to them!

  17. This is amazing! I got just a warm, cozy and relaxing feel while reading this! I love that daddy got to join in and it was extra special for you guys. Loving your menu too!

  18. I really like the way you delegated the chores, and omg, all the decorations are so beautiful in the house. Wish you wonderful holidays.

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