Have your homestead and homemaking ventures been a little bit scattered and disorganized? Are you finding it a challenge to balance both? If so, I can help! In this post I’m showing you how you can THRIVE in 2025 with the Ultimate Homestead & Garden Planner!
I have been utilizing planners for 20 years, during which time I’ve built experience in homemaking and homesteading skills. I’ve combined all that experience and packed it into this planner for you!
The Problem With Most Planners
I’ve heard a lot of women talk about how planners could never or don’t work for them, and after further investigation I learned that they don’t work for the same reason planners have not always worked for me. There have been times where I bought a planner and half of it goes unused because “life happened”. After about 18 years of planning, I realized the problem with planners for homemakers and homesteaders.
They are too rigid, and inflexible for the following reasons;
- They are dated. If I have a week where I didn’t plan those pages are wasted.
- In a regular planner, the pages are fixed and cannot be moved around. I need to be able to move the pages from one month to the next.
- I need to add pages from time to time, in a fixed planner that is not in binder form I cannot do this. Mine is in a binder so I can add pages as needed.
- Sometimes I mess up a page/week and need to redo it. I can’t do that with a regular planner.
- I like to be able to add extra months. Starting in the Fall, I like to remove pages from the previous months, and beginning planning for the upcoming year. I never liked having to get a new planner that early. This way I can simply print off the pages for the upcoming year early.
Tips For Using This Planner
If you are just getting used to using planners one of the first tips I have for you is to take it slow and keep it simple. I suggest printing off the month spreads,
Next, decide if you want blank week spreads to fill in with your choices, or pre labeled week spreads.
From there, decide which of the other pages you need.
With all of the remaining pages you can file them in with each month or include them in their own section.
I like to take my menu section and move it from month to month.
General Planning Tips
It is helpful to know what kind of planner you are. Do you like to set aside a time to sit down and plan your week out? Or do you like to plan through the week, on the go? I personally like to do it both ways!
I always set aside some time on Sunday morning to sit down with my coffee and tea, and relax on the sofa or at the table with my pens and either my favorite YouTubers playing or some soft music.
I created a plan with me video, showing how I decided to lay my planner out, and I did a little planning just for fun for you.
THRIVE in 2025 with the Ultimate Homestead & Garden Planner
I’ve gathered experience I’ve gained from over 20 years of gardening, and included them as reminders through the months of the gardening season. I designed this planner with women in mind, but it’s excellent and easy to use for the whole family.
One of the nice things about this planner is some of the planning is already done for you, especially when it comes to the gardening.
What’s In The Planner
On each month, I’ve got reminders for you for things that are important or typical things that should be remembered to do that month. For example, in January I have a reminder to get your seeds ordered, and another reminder in February to start the ones that need to be started indoors.
In my homestead planner I’ve tried to include it all, animal trackers for cattle, goats, sheep, chickens, and a sheet for animals not included (dogs, pigs, whatever you need it for). I’ve got milk trackers, egg trackers, and chicken hatching trackers.
The planner has weekly overviews, and a daily page for people who like to jot down things to do for the week but are not sure which day they will fit it in.
Best of all, not only is the planner complete, but it’s one you can buy once and never have to buy another planner. It is a digital download zip file. There are 5 files with over 63 pages, including Optional Planner Covers, Undated Print & Go Months, Week & Extra Pages, & A Welcome & Thank you file with suggestions for using the planner and quick start Instructions file.
Here’s what’s included,
(I only have one or two of these for the whole year)
Make up several of these and recycle them! If you reuse them you’ll save lots of time menu planning!
Goat & Sheep Trackers
Basic Recommended Layout
I like to print the months off as a spread,
On the BACK side of the left calendar page, I like to choose ONE of the following.
Across from the above, I like to do my self care tracker.
On the back side of the self care tracker, I like to start my weeks. I suggest printing 52 of each using front and back, and then 12 of each with BLANK backs for the start and ends of the month. I like to leave the one side blank. You can decide which side of the page you like these on.
This is concludes the basic layout for the core of the planner! You can add any additional pages that you need to each month, or create a special section for each subject (a section for goats, one for garden, one for budgeting, etc…).
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