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Tame Chaos & Organize Homeschooling With Subject Cards Today

Tame Chaos & Organize Homeschooling With Subject Cards Today
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Homeschool Mama! Do you struggle with homeschool schedules, and/or do your kids sometimes forget which subject is next in your homeschool? Or maybe you are homeschooling with babies and toddlers and you are being distracted with all their delightful antics like feeding time, “Oops-baby just spilled massage oil all over the sofa” time, and “MOM! The 4 year old clogged the toilet with too much toilet paper again!” time? 😀 If this sounds familiar you are probably desperate to redeem at least something resembling order in your homeschool. I feel ya, Mama! I really do! That’s why I’m so excited to tell you, I found a way to help you tame chaos & organize homeschooling with subject cards TODAY and you won’t believe how EASY it is!!!!!

Of course some of you out there may not necessarily have a gaggle of kids and all the activity that comes with them, but instead have a few irons in the fire-like businesses.

These homeschool subject cards for kids can help your pupils stay on track in their studies-no matter whether it’s business or chaotic craziness you pulled away for!

How To Prepare Homeschool Subject Cards for Kids

After you purchase these cards from my Etsy Shop you’ll locate them in your files and print them.

Secondly you’ll simply cut the cards out and put the subjects on them.

I like to put a “G” on the ones that are to be done as a group, and I like to put an asterisk * on the ones that have more details or instructions on the back.

On that note, I put any additional instructions on the back for the kids.

How To Use Homeschool Subject Cards for Kids

Okay, so these are pretty self explanatory and easy to figure out! Although they say Homeschool Subject Cards for Kids they could totally work for mom’s too! There are a few ways to use the cards through the day, you can pick whatever works best for you.

Throughout the day you could put the subjects in order, or if you like you can leave them random. We personally like to keep it slightly random and select subjects for times of the day for when it works, for example there are some subjects I am needed for so we save those for when the baby is napping. Other subjects work fine for the kids to do independently while I am unclogging the toilet and mopping up spilled milk, lol!

Option 1

You could paper hole punch these cards in the center or corner and put these cards on a ring like this;

You could leave them on the table during school hours.

During non school hours (or even during school hours) you could keep them on the ring on a magnetic hook on the fridge (we like these ones-but they say to keep them out of reach of small children that are still putting things in their mouth), or you could put them on a hook on the wall, like this one.

Option 2

You could paper hole punch them in the center and use them on a two hook board like this;

For this you would just keep the cards on the first hook and as the children finish subjects they could flip the cards over and put them on the second hook. You could even create a reward or special card and attach a star or smiley face to it in the back for if they get through everything!

Option 3

Or you could put them in a little container or decorative box like this;

Tame Chaos & Organize Homeschooling With Subject Cards Today

These cards are a digital product and are available for download in our Etsy Shop NOW for only $6.00! You can begin using them TODAY because all you have to do is download and print these yourself.

The first installment are sunflower cards, in time for fall. I’ll be creating more versions with different artwork very soon though!

Would you prefer a printed schedule layout? Personally I like to use both the cards and a printed schedule (read more about that here), and I have created 5 beautiful watercolor schedule backgrounds for you all.


Here’s a sample of them!

Speaking of scheduling; are you really struggling with a homeschool routine that works? It can be hard in the beginning of the school year, especially if you have a baby. If you are having trouble getting into a routine that works please read my recent post How To Create A Multi Grade Homeschool Schedule. In this post I share the importance of schedules, and how I create a baby inclusive one for our multi grade family that actually works like it’s supposed to!

Before you go, if you like the idea of organizing homeschooling with subject cards you will probably love our family’s CHORE CHART SYSTEM available HERE. It is used very similar to these subject cards and it’s the only system for chores that our big family has ever found that works! You can read all about it HERE.

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