” The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps. ” Proverbs 16:9. You know how it goes. You make all your plans. Then some twist of fate comes along completely laying to ruin your plans and testing your patience for a period of time. That’s what happened to us last week!
For the first time in years I had planned to take a Thanksgiving break, a Christmas break, and I had even created a fall bucket list this year, which kicked off with our trip to the pumpkin patch a couple weeks ago. We were slowly been making our way through the bucket list and were about halfway through.
But last weekend brought a fiasco that is going to take this big family mama a couple months to fully iron out. For most people it would only take a couple weeks-maybe three. But I’ve learned that when you have a big family and a baby you need to take what would take most people a week and times it by however many kids you have-and add another two weeks to that for the baby, lol! And that’s IF nobody gets sick!
Times like this can really test a mama.

This test has more than tripled my regular workload, and left me a little dismal at times. I still haven’t fully recovered from our move last year, so this test is extra exasperating for me to process!
I’ve been doing a lot more praying than usual, asking God to help me sort things, and for Him to help me see this situation through His eyes.

I’m so glad we got this sweet family pumpkin patch visit out of the way before the fiasco! I wouldn’t have been able to make this trip happen for the kids I had waited much longer! I still have some things in the fall bucket list that I’m going to try to make happen-but we will just have to see!

Until things get back to normal for us I’ll be focusing on some lighter, fun lifestyle posts with pretty pictures for your viewing pleasure and random thoughts (like this pumpkin patch post). Content may or may not be meaningful to you-you know what-I’m just going to be honest and tell you the next few weeks will probably be me just being raw and real with peeks into our days!
I had planned to step blog posting back up to two times a week-but for the next month and possibly two it’s going to have to remain just one post a week until life gets back to normal around here. 😭
I hope that’s okay. I know you a lot of you mama’s of littles and especially you big family mama’s will understand!

So tell me, Mama’s, how do you “deal” when life hands you a big bowl of lemons?
Did you enjoy this post? If so be sure to check out 6 Fantastic Kids Fall Bucket List Activities
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These pics are so great! We visited the pumpkin patch with our family this week and froze. I forgot to take any pics. Oops…
Sorry that things have been so tough but it looks like you have a great perspective on how to go forward. These pictures from the pumpkin patch are adorable!
Thank you, Amber!
First of all, your photos are beautiful. Second of all, I TOTALLY get it. Three little ones here and it’s always a hectic time of year.
Thank you, It’sahero! <3
There is nothing like this in here…and I’m really sorry about it because I’d love to visit. Beautiful pics x
Marina, I’m sad to hear that! Thank you, I hope you kind of got to visit in a way through these pictures! <3
I’ve never visited a pumpkin patch! I need to though it looks like such a fun way to spend quality time with the family. We do go apple picking and visit the local farms, but never seem to have gotten around to visit during this season for pumpkins. So glad you shared your experience!
Awe I love this!! One of my favorite things to do for fall is the pumpkin patch. We went to a local one a couple weeks ago. Loveee your photos. Such great pics!!