If you’ve been following me on YouTube where I hang out most these days (catch what’s new there HERE), you know about our family’s big move to Our New Mountain Homeschool Homestead last spring. It’s taken me awhile to get the point that I could create a new blog post for you all, and I’ve missed blogging!
So much has happened since my last blog post, beyond just the move. For one my YouTube channel is starting to take off, which is so exciting! I’ve always loved blogging, but YouTube is the first and only platform I’ve found that I’ve been able to be (actually) somewhat successful with. It takes what little spare time I do have though, and until now there hasn’t been leftover time for any other platform!
With that said, I’m excited to announce a couple changes that I’ll be making here!
Change One, I’ve honed my Niche!
From day one I’ve been testing the waters, trying to figure out what my audience values most from me. After months of experimenting with different types of videos, taking polls, and studying analytics the results are quite clear! Homesteading, homeschooling, and homemaking day in the life’s seem to be the biggest hit.
Initially day in the life video’s are some of the hardest video’s to become established as a YouTuber with, especially for people like me with lifestyle’s like mine. This is why I’m so incredibly elated and humbled to be getting somewhere in this niche!
Change Two, Singing A New Song Blog Changes
Until I make it to the REALLY big time and can hire help for social media and writing, I won’t be able to blog regularly, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be blogging at all! You will find occasional posts here, especially when there is a need for one to go go with a video, for example when I have a recipe or DIY on the channel I’ll often be creating coordinating posts here. I’ll also do updates as often as I can!
My goal is to blog at least once a month.
Our New Mountain Homeschool Homestead and Lifestyle….

Our home is a fixer upper, or more accurately a fixer and finisher upper! It was about 75 percent finished when we got it, but this is perfect for us because this means we get to put our finishing touches on it, which is a dream come true for us! We’ve always wanted to do this! My husband is a carpenter and woodworker, and I have experience working as a carpenter as well (although that was nearly 20 year ago so I’m rusty), but this is a line of work we both enjoy. It has been a joy to teach our children about carpentry, and work on projects together with them. It will be ongoing project for awhile for sure since working on the house will be done in what spare time we can carve out from homeschooling and working full time.
Summer Recap
We had an eventful summer here as we got used to our new homestead. Although my husband is still working on the house on the weekends, the kids and I quickly became occupied with gardening and chicken farming as the weather grew warm. We raised over 100 chickens this summer! Forty five laying hens and the rest were meat birds that we butchered this August.

We had fun camping, on beach days, farmers markets, and canning & preserving food this last summer. Overall our new lifestyle is more what we are used to and definitely love compared to being in town. Although our short town life experience was sweet, we are 100% happy to be country folk again and the kids have ample space to run and play, which they needed.
Below is a scene from when we were huckleberry picking. You cannot see our house from here, but we live down further on one of the smaller mountains in this view!

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Lol, I can’t recall which/what video it was, I think multiple…but was looking for the mountain song – I was birthed in the mountain song.
Would you kindly share? Love that song probably not an identical message to Sara Groves, “something changed” but it’s givin me similar vibes ♥️
P.s thank you for your honest and humble attitude towards all that God has done and is doing in your life. Not only encouraging to where many have stood and are standing in life’s difficulties but it so magnifies the Lord. His work is Truly Amazing. Truly Beautiful.
~ Trish