No New Years Resolutions? It’s Okay!

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It’s that time again. Time for New Years resolutions. I’ve been thinking about 2020 New Years resolutions for a few days. With the coming of not only a new year, but also a new decade it seemed like I should have a long list of goals and resolutions. After all, this coming decade is likely to be a pretty big one for our family, our oldest kids are likely to begin spreading their wings, in fact, there’s even a fair chance the coming decade could bring grand-parenthood to my husband and I. That’s astonishing to think of!

But to be quite honest life has been so engaging that I’ve not had a chance to even think about 2020 resolutions, and until today I didn’t even have My One Word-which is something I’ve done for around 3 years now.

When I first realized I couldn’t think of any resolutions I felt like an underachiever for a little while. After all, who doesn’t have New Years Resolutions? Everybody successful has New Years resolutions, right? ;-P

After a bit of thought I came to the realization that you know what? Maybe no New Years resolutions is not such a bad thing.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about planning, goal setting, and “crushing it”. But when it comes to 2020 resolutions I’ve got nothing.

Perhaps someone out there reading this can relate?

I don’t know if this will help you, but there’s something that helped me with coming to peace with my lack of resolutions this year.

Here’s what I did. I thought about our lives and the past year, and suddenly the reasons I’ve got nothing for New Year’s resolutions hit me.

That’s when I realized that it’s okay.

What I Realized

2019 has been one of the most full and active years for us. It held challenges that at times felt impossible, but it also held amazing moments with more fun times than we’ve had in a long time.

What I realized though, as I pondered the year and all that has happened, is that I’m already running at peak performance. I’m in a place where I really can’t take anything else out, or add anything extra in.

I know, the following probably sounds super boring to some of you out there! But I decided that for 2020 I’m simply going to keep perfecting and doing what I’m already doing because what I’m doing is working.


Here’s my plan.

I’m going to keep plucking away at being a homemaker and an entrepreneur for my family, because I believe in the ministry of serving my family-1 Tim. 5:8, and Proverbs 31:12-16,

I’m going to keep homeschooling my wildlings because I believe in what I’m doing (Proverbs, 22:6 and Deuteronomy 6:5-9, and that it’s what’s best for my kids.

I’m going to keep finding and perfecting ways to love my husband, because he’s one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

I’m going to keep enjoying this time with my children, because they are six of the best things that have ever happened to me. Children truly are a reward from God (Psalms 127:3)!

I’m going to keep practicing being intentional in my time management because there are just never enough hours in the day.

I’m going to keep being intentional in my relationships, because I’ve already wasted too much precious time and heart in my life on toxic people and people bent on finding fault with my choices, and I’ve not spent nearly enough time and heart on those that love and “get” me.

I’m going to keep taking care of myself, because I need to be healthy and get healthier.

I’m going keep doing the fun things with my kids, like mountain hikes, music, beach days, and crafts because we couldn’t get enough of that in 2019.

I’m going to keep cultivating my faith, and my family’s faith, because without Christ there is no life.

Lastly, I’m going to keep blogging and sharing my journey with you all here because I believe the Singing A New Song Mission is important, and it keeps me from getting lost along my journey.

My One Word

This brings me to my one word of the year. I figured, if something is not broken, why fix it? Maybe instead of piling more on that I really can’t handle (like a focus word that will probably just end up making me feel like a failure for not achieving six months from now) why not simply find the best thing I’m already doing and perfect finding joy in that?

So my one word is going to be…………

No New Years Resolutions? It's Okay!

I’m going to continue perfecting acts of service and finding joy in this for my family and others as I’m able.

Are you in a similar boat as me? Or do you have 2020 resolutions? How about a word of the year? I want to hear all about it! Leave a comment!

Here’s to 2020!! Happy New Year!

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15 thoughts on “No New Years Resolutions? It’s Okay!”

  1. Hope your 2020 is off to a great start with “service” at the core. I’m more about daily to monthly goals than yearly resolutions. What’s important in the end, I think, is to live your days and years intentionally.

  2. Yes, it’s definitely okay not to have any new year’s resolution. In fact, I’d rather have a vision board on the start of the year to guide me on my goals and plans.

  3. I have many resolutions for this year. As 2019 I worked a lot on goals that didn´t well quite well, so this has to be my year for sure.

  4. It’s great to just have small achievable goals instead of huge resolution that isn’t reachable. Serving is always the best thing.

  5. I’ve never done a word of the year (though the thought has intrigued me at times), and I NEVER do resolutions. I instead lay out New Year’s goals for myself; to me, “goals” are something that you can work toward/measure incremental progress on, whereas resolutions are either success/failure. It sounds as if you have a right plan for where you’re at right now; keep on serving! 🙂

  6. I agree, it’s okay to to have a resolution. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. I just try learn a llittle more every day and that’s a pretty big step I think.

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