Have you ever wondered How To Deal With People Who Don’t Value Your Time? Maybe you’ve been having to deal with someone doesn’t seem value your time because you are a stay at home mom, work at home mom, a homemaker or a homeschooler?? Maybe you’ve been in situations where people have gone so far as to say disrespectful things about what you “do all day”?
I have been there, and it’s not a fun place to be in. Today I’m going to share a tip I’ve discovered that can help anyone trying to figure out how to deal with people that haven’t been respecting your time. Please note, this tip is specifically for when they call.
My Experiences
I’ve been at this stay at home mom (SAHM and WAHM) and modern homemaker gig for 18 years and although my interactions with people regarding this job have been mostly positive, there have been more incidents that have been less than pleasant than I’d like to report.
![How To Deal With People Who Don't Value Your Time](https://i1.wp.com/singinganewsong.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/IMG_8708.jpg?fit=1024%2C1024&ssl=1)
I don’t know about you, and this doesn’t happen to me as often as it did when I only had one or two kids, but sometimes I come across people who when I tell them I’m a “homeschooling, stay at home, or work at home mom” they somehow hear “She’s home all day so she has extra time on her hands”.
![How To Deal With People Who Don't Value Your Time](https://i1.wp.com/singinganewsong.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Homeschooling-IMG_9046.jpg?fit=1024%2C1024&ssl=1)
Granted, there are plenty of SAH mom’s out there that sadly have no knowledge of how to run a home (or simply lack the desire). Since there are those who don’t know how or desire to make the best of their SAH or modern homemaking time this can give those of us that take the job seriously a bad name.
Also Read How To Be Productive & Deal With “Slumps”
I realized in the beginning of this journey that there appeared to be roughly three types of views towards SAHM’s. The first were those with the utmost respect for SAH moms and their lack of spare time. The second were those that think SAHM’s are freeloaders who sit home watching TV or scrolling social media all day. Then there is the third kind. These are the problematic kind. They are the kind that like the second group think SAH mom’s don’t have much going on, but they go a step further and assume you’ve got time to hang out, talk all day, or even do favors for them and so they call or text often.
Even though the second type of person mentioned above is super annoying (and even hurtful depending on the source), I think we can all agree that the third type of person is the type that is frustrating and cumbersome to deal with.
Here are some reasons and situations where getting caught up in long phone conversations can present challenges that can actually ruin a day;
- If you have small children, then unexpected calls just to chat, or unexpected visits mean you are stuck on the phone or in conversation. It’s kind of hard to be on the phone and watch young children who seem to always have a tendency to wreak havoc and create messes that take hours of cleaning even if you are only on the phone for 5 minutes!
- And then there are calls during the evening. They disrupt dinner and bedtime, meaning you have a lot of unhappy little hungry hooligans creating protests and riots when you are most tired and worn from the day!
- Depending on your nature, unplanned calls can completely hijack your days. Personally, if I spend time on the phone during a work weekday I can never seem to get the momentum back for a productive day. This can become a real problem for those that work from home or homeschool.
- Maybe you just had a baby, and have requested family and friends text instead of call but they won’t, and you are dealing with calls that wake the baby and hijack what little time you have during those newborn weeks.
If any of these sound familiar I’m excited to share a little trick I eventually learned Although this post is geared towards stay at home, work at home, and/or homeschooling mom’s or modern homemakers, this tip really can work for anyone trying to be more intentional with their time.
How To Deal With People Who Don’t Value Your Time
Phone calls are always people wanting something from you-that something is your time. Sometimes they just want to chat or tell you something. And sometimes it’s because they want a favor. So here is what you can do when they call during the worst possible hours.
Auto responder.
That’s it! It’s an app you can put on your phone, create response messages with, and have options for how to respond. Some of them have options where you can create a custom message just for that specific person that is most disrespectful of your time, and you can create a different response for everyone else.
You can also set auto responder to allow specific people through and others can go straight to voice mail or text response.
Auto responder can be a SAH, WAH, and/or a homeschooling mama’s best friend and aide.
What To Say?
The short answer is, what ever you want.
In my case I drafted a text response saying I would be busy (schooling my kids or working) from 8 am to 3 pm, and that I’d have some time after that, but that I would be unavailable again after 4:30 pm.
Since I also was dealing with some people calling after 9 pm I would draft a separate response saying that I was sleeping (in my case it was repeatedly, and I even had a new baby-so I would turn my ringer off). I explained the baby and I were sleeping and I would get back to them the next day and that if it was an emergency they could call my husband. Nobody ever did.
Eventually, all those people that weren’t taking my time seriously when I told them I was working or homeschooling before suddenly got it. Something about reading my response texts got through when vocalizing to them didn’t. It probably took less than 3 time’s of them calling and getting auto respond reply’s during the hours I had expressed that I was busy before they stopped.
I think that one of my favorite aspects to using auto responder is that it gives me so much more control over my interactions with people. There are a couple reasons for this.
One of the reasons is because it helps me from being caught off guard since it makes callers text me or leave a message if the reason they are calling is actually important. This gives me time to think about how I’m going to respond and if I can fit requests in or not.
Another reason this is great is because it allows me to utilize the power of texting a response to callers, which keeps me from getting caught on the phone too long.
I’ve learned that making pre planned arrangements for catching up with people is a far better way to stay intentional with my time and still have quality time with friends and family (that I don’t have to pay for and make up for later).
If you enjoyed this article you might also enjoy these posts,
How To Be Productive & Deal With “Slumps”
The Best Time Management Secret and one of my most popular posts,
What Is A Homemaker
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My time became incredibly valuable once I became a mom because suddenly I had NO time for anything. Some people just don’t understand why I can’t meet up for a simple lunch even though I am a stay at home mom. It takes a lot of schedule shifting and planning just a plan a few hours to myself!
I am trying to avoid any communication with these people. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experience
This is a sad reality but yes, there are really people who fail to value other’s people time. I can totally relate with you of not answering my phone every time it rings. Would love to try using autoresponders. I am getting a crazy amount of messages per day and this would certainly help.
I work from home and homeschool – it has taken me 3 years to learn to set boundaries with my clients. I have had a few who insisted on messaging after 17h00. Now I just shut everything down and try to focus on what I need to do.
That’s great to be able to make the best use of your time. I have definitely been cutting down on a lot of notifications and other things that use up my time.
This is so true. When you’re a SAHM people definitely believe that you don’t have anything to do and have lots of leisure time. I definitely don’t have time for phone calls and so texting it is for me. Texts are easy to ignore if they’re not important.
It sounds simple enough. I work from home full-time and I also have a blog that I run. People think that since I am home my time is just liquid. It isn’t.
I had an encounter with a person like this yesterday. One of our friends came into my office while I was working and talked my ear off for 45 minutes. Love the guy, but come on. I was in the middle of working.
Yes! I started using auto responder a few years ago and it’s a life changer. I was also a work at home, homeschooling mom. And, I was really struggling with calls during my work-time (which then meant I was working longer) and calls during the time I was spending on school related tasks with my kids. I wanted my kids to understand how to focus on a task. I quickly realized, I couldn’t tell them not to text or chat with friends while doing their school work if they saw me doing this while I worked every day.
Auto responder is a great idea! I never thought of that.
I’ve dealt with this a lot over the last year or two. I am usually very helpful and enjoy helping people but I’ve come to realize people often take advantage of my time and kindness, so I am working on saying “no” more.
i manage my time very carefully after becoming a mom. too many people and things totally wste your time!
It is so important to realize when someone is wasting your time. With kids, I just don’t make time for people who waste my time. I think of it as, they are literally taking time away from my family.
Yes, so much this. There are so many people who don’t truly value my time and efforts. I definitely need Auto Responder!
I didn’t know there was an app to auto reply! I’ll have to look into it.
I don’t really have this problem. I tend to be the one bugging people as a lonely wahm.
I think because I mostly hang out with SAHM’s and homeschool moms that I don’t experience this. I do have to say thought that I find that I’m busier being at home than I did when I had a job.
OOOO- Auto responder! Employing that tip immediately!
This is great. I am learning to just say no to my friends whom dont have kids and dont understand the amount of work it is.
Thank you for sharing your tips, I think my problem is identifying these people, and then to deal with that.
You seem to be so good at being present so it’s great you found a way to let others know how valuable your time is.
I actually had to put something on my answering machine, back int he day. I needed my mom to stop calling me at 7:30am and waking everyone up.
I just don’t answer my phone. If it’s important, they can leave a message or text me and I’ll get back to them when I can.