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Favorite Toddler Products Round Up

Favorite Toddler Products Round Up 13
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Since our little man just turned 2 it only seemed right to make the summer favorite products post all about our toddler favorites! So this month I bring you our top favorite toddler products round up. I’m going to share some of my favorite items for him as well as some of his favorite items!

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Mama’s Favorites

High Chair

I shopped around for quite some time before I settled on this high chair. After so many children, I’ve learned to be very picky when it comes to baby products. So many of them that are out there don’t last, or end up being useful for only a few weeks. Here is a list of things I’ve learned matter when it comes to a high chair;

I really wanted THIS ONE, I loved how sleek it looked and easy it looks to clean, but I looked at the dimensions and it would not slide up to the table like I wanted it to.

So I went for this one.

Favorite Toddler Products Round Up
Favorite Toddler Products Round Up

My Honest Review of this High Chair


It has a few more nooks and crannies than I wanted but it’s actually been pretty easy to keep clean. I love that it will grow with our child due to the adjustable seating.

I love that it’s not ugly, and that it’s durable. Both of these factors mean I’ll probably be able to keep it even after my youngest is done with it. Since I have teens in addition to tot’s I know it won’t be too many years before I get to start thinking about grandkids, so there is no point in me ever getting rid of this!


The straps are difficult to figure out and get on the child. What is more is the although the lap straps are secure the arm straps are easy for our little man to slip off. Since someone is always sitting next to him and since we’ve taught him to stay sitting and ask for help getting out (which he does) this isn’t a problem for us but I could see it being a safety problem with some children if they are able to snap the lap straps open.

The only other con is the hardware isn’t installed on the bottom of the food tray. It’s not hard to install-but I wish the manufacturer would have just put it on because it’s one of those things that is still on the “honey do” list and we’ve had the chair a year, lol!


Okay, so I felt like these were a little pricey, but he needed new pj’s and I loved these so much. So after a couple days of vacillating back and forth over the cost I finally went for it.

I’m so glad I did! Not only are these made to last and of impeccable quality, but they will fit him through a couple sizes-so that helps make them worth the cost.

In addition to this, check it out, they have a zipper at the top and the bottom to make changing his diaper easier.

Favorite Toddler Products Round Up

They come in a few prints. I like that they have them in short sleeves. They are perfect for the cool summer nights we have here! Did I mention the fabric is super high quality?

Favorite Toddler Products Round Up

Baby Shoes

You know how when you are walking around a store with your baby and some stranger walks up to you with your kids shoe and asks you, “Is this yours?”

Yea. Happened all the time for the first three kids.

Eventually I found these. For the last 2 or 3 kids I’ve had absolutely no need or patience for any shoes but these.

Best of all is these are super duper affordable. Most the pairs are only $10.00. And IMO they are the cutest baby shoes ever made.

We love the Robeez shoes too. Like the pair above they stay on too. They are a little more expensive but they are even cuter!

Baby’s Favorites

Being Outside & Going Places

Our little man loves going to play in the backyard. It’s one of his favorite places! He loves going “bye-bye” too. We’ve enjoyed going to the farmers market, the lake, and nature walks a lot lately since we are still social distancing.


We were at Walmart one day getting paint, and little man was super fussy. There was a stuffed toy lama sitting on the counter that someone else had left behind, and he snagged it and gave it the biggest lovey dovey hug! So I bought him his own lama for Christmas last year. Everytime he sees it he hugs it!


This child has an infatuation with tools, and especially hammers. I try to hide them but he has a way of finding them! So for his birthday we bought him the following Doug and Melissa toys.

I’ve bought him this

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And this

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If you enjoyed our Favorite Toddler Products Round Up you might enjoy our other “Favorites” Round ups HERE.

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