Has COVID-19 Got You Stuck At Home With Kids? Are you wondering how you are going to survive the weeks until they go back to school? If so, you are not alone. Parents and kids nation wide are already beginning to get a little stir crazy. Some parents have had the kids home for a week or two while others are just starting the time off.
To make matters more interesting, most families are not likely to be getting out to do much, and on top of this many kids were sent home with schoolwork assignments-which parents are going to likely need to keep on top of.
This is definitely a recipe for tension if you are not accustomed this type of lifestyle!
COVID-19 Got You Stuck At Home With Kids? Here’s What You Want To Do

As a homeschooling mama of 10 years with 6 children from teen to tot, being home, 24/7, with kids is my life.
Alot of people mistakenly assume that to be able to do what I and the millions of other homeschool parents nationwide do, one must possess a Mary Poppins nature when it comes to kids, and must obviously have a fountain of patience hidden somewhere that we drink from regularly.
Let me just say……..yeeeeaaaah, no.
We’re just regular parents. Our patience runs thin just like every parents does at times. And although we savor a lot of the moments with our kids, just like you do, we don’t all savor every single second of every day with our kids, nor do they savor every second with us.
We are just normal families with normal problems like every family has. And yes, homeschool kids bicker and fight too!
With that said, I do want to emphasize something. What has been thrown an so many parents right now is not true homeschooling. True homeschooling is something parents have time and an opportunity to plan for. This whole forced homeschooling thing isn’t going to give anyone a real, authentic idea of what homeschooling is truly like. Homeschooling is something that takes up to six months for most parents and kids to get the hang of, get comfortable with, and once they do it can be a wonderful experience.
This….not so much.
Nevertheless, let me share with you the top tips I and other homeschooling mama’s have found for keeping (most) of our sanity while spending our every waking breath with our offspring and that I think can help you weather this.
Tip 1. Mindset is everything
The kids can hear you, and if they pickup that you are not looking forward to having them around this can jinx everything. Think about it from this perspective, if you overheard someone talking about how dismal they were or how they were already stir crazy thinking about spending the next two or three weeks with you around, how would that make you feel?
Approach the time with your kids from a perspective of positivity. The positive vibe can be contagious and will help your kids know you enjoy and value them.
Tip 2. Get a system in place
If you’ve never been big on assigning chores, now’s a great time to begin easing into one. You don’t want to spend the nest 2 or 3 weeks picking up after kids all day long do you?
BTW, if that’s what you HAVE been doing no wonder you don’t want them around! Teach those wee ones how to pick up after themselves!
If they are young, make it a game. My 1.5 year old takes great pride in picking his pants up off the floor and putting them in the hamper, and carrying his own used diaper to the trash (just the wet ones, I don’t trust him with the really dirty ones). He’s so proud of himself that he claps for himself.
Of course it’s harder as they kids get older. I’ve found it’s possible to make it a game up till around age 5.
If your kids are older, you’ll need to get them on board. Years ago I read a book called Don’t Make Me Count To Three. I’ll link to it below. The main idea of the book was that you want to reach your child’s heart. If you reach their heart and they trust you they will want to work with you.
Try explaining to your kids in an upbeat way that since they are going to be home that means there will be a little more to do, and that you probably won’t be able to do it all alone. You know your kids best, and so whether you ask them or tell them you’ll need them to help you out for a few minutes a day is something you’ll need to figure out.
FYI, Be sure to check out my chore chart system. It is the only system that has ever worked for our bigger family. It’s easy to use, and has a reward plan (which are two of the reasons it works). I have tutorials on how to set the system up and I walk you through each step of the way.
This system helps keep things running smoothly and peacefully in our big, homeschooling, creative family.
Tip 3. Plan for noise
Kids can be loud. Especially boys (I have four). Sometimes I’m alarmed and appalled at how loud they can be! Not just their voices either (although that’s a big portion of their noise making). They are always creating noise. Tapping on stuff, drumming on tables or chairs, dropping things.
I’ve learned noise pollution is a very real thing. I’ve taught my kids that sometimes mama needs quiet.
I tip I learned from another big family homeschool mama years ago was to have a place of the house that’s off limits for the kids to mess up. Once or twice a day go to that place just to unwind for a few minutes.
You will want to explain to your kids that while you are in the other room it’s not a ticket for them to party, and that you do expect them to carry on with their homework or duties.
Tip 4. Get some quality time in
It’s not everyday you get to have your kids around all day. Maybe you have a bunch of materials the school sent you home with. But I would like to encourage you to take some opportunities to spend some quality time with your kids, ask them fun questions, important questions, and have talks. Share with them the stuff you spent time doing at their age, the music you listened too, shows you liked to watch. Are there any stories you would like to share with them from your childhood? Life lessons learned? Anything at all you would like them to know about or teach them?
People, these are YOUR kids, don’t be afraid to own this time with them! What do YOU want your kids to learn? How do you WANT to spend this time with them?
Take this opportunity to do these things because opportunities like this don’t come along very often.
Any disruption to the regular routines can be such a challenge. I think for parents it’s more of a bonus challenge though.
I hope these tips have been helpful and prove helpful to you in the days ahead.
Keep in mind, this will pass!
Be sure to check out the CDC’s webpages with tips in dealing with this outbreak, and stay safe!
If you enjoyed COVID-19 Got You Stuck At Home With Kids? you might also be dealing with emergency homeschooling midyear- Click Here for a few SIMPLE & EASY tips and tricks to help you (and them) through this.
Lastly, are you wondering how you are going to get your grocery shopping done with kids? Have you got a Walmart near you? Look into their grocery pickup option. Here’s a video I did with how it works and here’s an affiliate link that you can use to get $10 bucks off your order by using.
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These tips are awesome! I’m home with my kids all the time but it’s always nice to get a fresh perspective on things!
These are great tips! It is so important to know if there will be noise it won’t be perfect but we have to make the most of it:)
I agree get use to the noise because it will be around until all this is over with.
Thank you for sharing. My daughter has been pretty good at home. Her school work keeps her busy.
These are great points! It is good to be realistic and expect that there will be some noise. We have an office space set up, so it is a good room to go into if you need to make a call etc.
The noise with kids playing around all day is definitely tiring sometimes especially since I work from home.
I think you are right about the mindset being important. Kids really do pick up on that stuff.
These tips are so useful! It’s going to be a big adjustment for sure having everyone at home all the time! Thanks for sharing!!
cute & little
Pretty sure these are good tips, even for a “big kid” like myself! I think staying on some sort of routine is especially helpful!
Thank you so much for this. I completely agree that it takes a plan. Together we will survive!!
This is so great! Our schools cancelled for the rest of the year so this is definitely going to come in handy!
Families are having to adjust to a lifestyle change that they didn’t choose, which can be frustrating. These tips are beautifully written and well-received. I already have my kiddo home with me (yes, a homeschooler here), but there is an adjustment for us not being able to do our normal routine of play day at the park and gatherings with other homeschoolers.
Great tips. I agree mindset is everything. Thank you for the rest of the tips.
Spending quality time with our kids is always a blessing. These are good tips!
Such great tips for keeping your sanity! Everyone’s at home and it’s surely going to be challenging.
Thanks for sharing your homeschool knowledge with us. This definitely is a completely new experience for me, and my patience isn’t as “great” as I thought it was. But I just keep telling myself, this is completely new to me and we will get through it!
These are great tips. My role didn’t change much since i stayed home to begin with but these will help so many.
I love all of the tips you suggest! I think the biggest thing for us is getting use to a new scheduele but that will come with time. Stay safe and healthy!!
Systems are definitely going to be a big thing in my house. I’m a little more flexible this week since the kids are technically on spring break. Next week they are going to be working on 30 minutes per class they would normally have at school.
These tips are super amazing !! I just love them …
Love these tips! I especially agree that mindset is key. As moms we have such power to influence our homes with our outlook!
These are really great ideas! The noise thing is real, especially with a toddler at home while I’m attempting this homeschool thing we’ve been thrown into
YES – KIDS NEED ROUTINE AND SCHEDULE! Not military style, minute by minute – but they still need structure to their days. Especially now that we all know we’re into this thing for the long haul, it looks like…
Yup, I am working on these. So far it’s going okay. For the most part. My daughter is an extrovert so social distancing is tough on her.
Even us who homeschool are feeling this! No parks or zoos or outside activities. And GASP no library!!
this was only my son’s first school year, so it’s not incredibly different him being home now but it’s still not our new norm!
Love the idea to have a special place that kids-free! It would be one less room I would have to constantly pick up! lol
We are adjusting for sure. My daughter is quarantined in her room and can’t be within 6′ of anyone, per the health department, for two weeks. I am trying to keep everyone busy, but relaxing too. It’s hard to find just the right balance.
Oh, I’m so sorry for you, that must be so hard!!!
Even though we are homeschoolers, not being able to go to our usual places, museums, libraries, is driving my bonkers lol. We can’t play outside much either because it has been raining! But we’ve been doing indoor activities and lots of reading. I think we will survive!
My plan is to do a couple activities from the kids school packets, play some games, watch some tv, and stay sane as much as possible!
These are great tips! I am a stay at home mom, but we keep VERY active and go out a ton so this is still very new to me! I love the suggestions.