I’m very excited to share this A Plus Interactive Math Curriculum Review! Disclaimer; although this isn’t a sponsored post, I was contacted by A+ TutorSoft with a collaboration offer and given a 3 month trial of their program in exchange for this review. After trying and loving the curriculum and finding a definite place for it in our homeschool, the creator did make me an affiliate. All opinions here in A+ Interactive Math (by A+ TutorSoft Inc.) Review are my own honest opinions as well as quotes from the creator of Tutorsoft. In addition to that this post contains affiliate links of which do not cost you extra to shop.
When I was being homeschooled (in the 80’s & 90’s), homeschooling choices were few. There were no conventions or curriculum fairs that my parents ever heard of, in fact homeschooling was still illegal in some states if you can believe that! Skip ahead 30 years and now there are more choices for curriculum than can be counted! Today I’m going to share one that we have been trying out lately that has quickly made it to my top 3 favorite math programs!
Admittedly, one of my favorite things about this program is that it does the teaching for me. Since I struggled in math in school growing up it’s not a subject I nor my husband are strong in teaching (although I do love learning along with the kids). On that note I just want to take a moment to say something to those of you mama’s out there questioning your ability to teach because there is that one subject (or more) you don’t feel you know well enough to teach. I’ve seen some parents considering homeschooling say their biggest barrier is that they are not good with one or two specific subjects (math for example). Let me assure you, you don’t have to be!
First of all, I’ll tell you what the older generation of homeschool mom’s discovered years ago-it’s that you are never to old to learn and you can learn right along with your children (if you want and have the time to)!
But since we are on that topic, what about those of us that work additional jobs on top of homeschooling, and what about us large family mama’s that simply do not have the time or ability to learn along with our kids or who simply need the option to outsource some subjects?
This is just one area of many where choices just like A+ Interactive Math save the day (and a parents sanity along the way).

A Plus Interactive Math Curriculum Review
Here are 16 reasons I found to love A Plus Interactive Math;
- It truly is comprehensive for grades 1-6 and pre-algebra
- It is easy to use
- Lessons are very short and too the point
- I have found that the lessons are super simple to rephrase or help a child with if the child doesn’t “get it” (rare because the lessons are worded well)
- It teaches the lessons for you
- It provides interactive worksheets
- Exams and review exams are included
- There are progress reports
- Additional e-books are available
- The program has placement tests
- There are tutorials and a calculator available
- You can purchase additional tutoring from A Plus Tutorsoft if your child needs more help and you are at a loss
- The program has automatic grading (major bonus)
- Their is an additional optional adaptive placement program you can purchase to find “gaps” in your child’s math AND it provides individualized lessons specifically to fill those gaps! This is something I’ve not seen yet anywhere else and is a major bonus to the program that can help struggling math students
- They have affordable family packages making them an all around perfect choice for homeschool families
- There are optional printable worksheets as well as a workbook you can purchase
Lastly, one of my top reasons for loving this program are that I’m a big family mama currently homeschooling 5 of our 6 children (the 6th is a toddler). Anything I can automate and trust to do a job well is a win in my opinion, and this is definitely a solid program that gets a HUGE job in our homeschool done and done well!
A Peek at A Plus Interactive Math Curriculum
Here are some screenshots and a quick walkthrough of the program;
Below is what you see when you log your student in-the screenshot below is for 1st grade and you can see the lesson plans to the left.

Lesson plans can be opened by clicking the file, you can see how there are completed lessons below. I love that the program gives me the option of finalizing lessons. I appreciate this because I like to have my kids do the worksheet before finalizing the lesson. If they don’t do well on the worksheet then I know we need to review the lesson (BTW we’ve only have a couple out of 20 that we needed to take more time on since the lessons are easy to follow).
The green checklist shows programs that my fist graders completed and the highlighted ones are ones still being worked on.

Below is one of the interactive worksheets.

Progress Reports below….these are wonderful for record keeping!

Exams (also great for record keeping).

Below I’ve shared the dropdown list of eBooks…

I asked the author to provide me with some key points for this article as I really didn’t want to miss anything parents would want to know are that would be helpful regarding the program. Here’s the feedback;
1. When doing the Interactive Q&A after each lesson, you can turn the audio off by clicking on the Stop Audio button which will allow the student to answer the question immediately instead of having to wait until the narrator reads all the answer choices.
2. You can review any “completed” Worksheet and Exams with Step-by-Step solution to each problem.
3. You can turn the answer key and solution steps on and off from the Parent’s account by clicking on the Admin Panel.
4. The Exams are time-bound but optional but if you decide to have your students take them you can increase the amount of time that student is allowed to finish the exam.
5. The eBooks section contains all printable lessons, worksheets, exams, and solution guides. This gives you an option to print and practice offline if you want to limit the screen time. As a matter of fact we also have Printed Workbooks that we sell.
6. You can see student’s progress on various items under Progress Report tab. There are different tabs for each task (Lesson, Interactive Q&A, Worksheet, Exams, Review Exams, Certificate of Accomplishments)
7. The program automatically generates a “Weekly Certificate of Accomplishments” every Sunday Night. This is kind of like a Weekly Award Certificate that students LOVE to print (if you choose to do so and keep it in a binder/folder.
8. The program grades and tracks all student work and gives you % score for each assignment type as well as overall combined % grade.
9. The Recommended Lesson plan gives you a guide as to the pace but you can go at your own pace
10. The program allows you the flexibility to skip and return to any lesson, interactive Q&A or worksheets at a later time. It DOES NOT force you to do anything. While we recommend that students work through all Lessons, Interactive Q&A and Worksheets for each chapter from top to bottom as give in the Table of Contents, you CAN skip around and follow your own order and pace.
11. You can generate additional worksheets simply by clicking on the “New” or “Generate New Worksheet” button on the Online Worksheets screen.
Does The Program Align with State Standards?
I knew some of you were going to be asking this question since some do not plan to homeschool long term or all the way through all of the grades, and some of you are only homeschooling temporarily. Here’s what the creator of A+ Interactive Math had to say about that.
Our curriculum was designed well before the common core came into existence. It is a result of over 20 years of experience in tutoring math having worked with hundreds of children, many of them homeschooled children. We have also done an extensive research and study of some of the most challenging standards both national and international to ensure our curriculum is one of the top-notch in the market.
In addition to this, we have worked with many homeschool experts and veteran homeschoolers to ensure our curriculum is the perfect fit for the homeschool community. The teaching methods that we use in our curriculum are result of extensive experience working with children and figuring out various techniques and learning styles that work most effectively with children. We have NOT done anything in our curriculum to specifically align with common core. However, we do know for fact that our curriculum far exceeds common core and gives children a very strong foundation in math.
Tips For Using The Curriculum
Although kids can use this largely on their own you will need to assist your children in 1st grade until they have the hang of the program and to explain any area’s they are having trouble grasping.
I found my first grader needs help switching between the worksheets and lessons, but it’s only a matter of time before they can do this themself.
I recommend purchasing manipulatives to go with this (and any) elementary math program, however you’ll want to stay tuned because A+ Interactive Math is planning to release a list of math activity kits for Pre-K, KG-2nd grade levels which will contain manipulatives and detailed instructions. I’m very excited for that!
For now I’ll share some of our favorite math manipulatives at the end of this article.
A+ Interactive Math (by A+ TutorSoft Inc.) is a very comprehensive, complete program for 1st-6th grades and Pre-Algebra.
The program can benefit any child-homeschooled or other. It can help struggling students (home or traditionally educated) gain the upper ground and in addition to this it could even be used as a supplement to enhance a gifted child’s math journey.
A+ Interactive Math (by A+ TutorSoft Inc.) has definitely earned a permanent place in our homeschool as it fills specific needs I have been looking for something to fill for years.
I’ve got great news! A+ Interactive Math has given me a unique discount code to share with my readers for 20% off the program! In addition to that you can try them out for one month FOR FREE! Be sure to save the code SNSAPLUS20 for when you are ready to purchase though. You might want to pin and save this post so you can find it easily if you do the free trial first.
If you enjoyed A Plus Interactive Math Curriculum Review be sure to check out my other homeschool related posts HERE.

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Okay, I’ve been MEGA struggling at homeschooling math. I’ll have to check this out.
This is great! My son loves math and does struggle some times I like that it helps them be able to comprehend it! Looking more into it thanks for the review!
This sounds like a great program to use if you are homeschooling. Math was never my strong subject either!
It is, but it’s for public school kids that are struggling or just want to get ahead too!
My kids aren’t old enough yet but this sounds like a really good program and I have friends that are homeschooling and will definitely pass this along.
Thank you Ashley! It’s actually a great program for public school kids trying to get ahead or caught up too :-)!
Ugh math. I hate it. But this sounds helpful for kids!
I used to, but after finding some good programs I don’t as much anymore!
This is amazing! I am so glad that these kind of programs are out there now. We aren’t to this point in our homeschool journey yet, but I am definitely going to be adding this to my notes for future reference.
Wow this is great! Thanks for sharing so much!
Great insights! I’m not planning on homeschooling (and since our little one is still gestating, though she’ll be born any day now, I’m hoping schools will be back to normal by the time she enrolls in ~5 years). I might look back into this kind of thing for ongoing education during summer breaks, though! I always felt they were so long as a kid.
That is seriously a great idea, Danai! Kids loose so much information over summer break, especially in math and reading.
I really feel for all the kids and parents that are at home learning right now. Programs like this one seem like a big help. Nice review