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6 Tips For A Romantic Tailgate Car Date

6 Tips For A Romantic Tailgate Car Date 22
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This year for our 17th anniversary my husband and I did something a little different that made perfect use of the beautiful part of the world we live in, still gave us the opportunity to support a local restaurant and even included social distancing. We had a “car date” at a beautiful location and it was so lovely that I just have to share 6 Tips For A Romantic Tailgate Car Date with you all!

Before our date night the kids cleaned out the vehicle for us and took everything out of the very back. This is where I planned for my husband and I to dine on our date. I got the idea to boho it up with some battery operated lights and some pretty fabrics, but one of the kids lost the lights I had! I definitely recommend using some, it would have have been more “sparkly” with them!

It was fun planning for this picnic style, romantic tailgate car date. For the last few years we have enjoyed picking either a favorite or a new restaurant to try-this year we went with one of our favorite breweries that makes sushi on Saturday. We decided on sushi since we love it and knew it would be perfect for our date as it would keep while we drove to our date spot (something cooked and hot would have been cold an soggy by the time we got to where we were going).

6 Tips For A Romantic Tailgate Car Date
6 Tips For A Romantic Tailgate Car Date
6 Tips For A Romantic Tailgate Car Date
One of my favorite things is watching my man peacefully soak up the beautiful places I grew up loving.

For our location we picked one of my favorite places, a local park with a waterfall. Seriously, does it get more romantic than that? Since we were alone we took full advantage of tapping into our romantic and goofy sides and so it was one of the most fun date nights we’ve ever had. We laughed harder than I think we’ve ever laughed on a date! We were having such a good time that I forgot to turn on the music playlist that I had created.

So the pictures below need an explanation. I had taken my glasses and jacket off for some pictures and when it was time to go I couldn’t find my glasses. I gasped and looked at my husband, he looked at me and I asked him if he could see them anywhere. Keep in mind that he looked right at me (this detail is important). Anyways we both started looking all around for them and didn’t see them. Suddenly I realized I was wearing them. On my face. I started laughing so hard that I couldn’t speak. Meanwhile he is still looking for them, finally he looks at me (again) to see why I’m laughing so hard. It took him a few seconds to realized why I was laughing. We almost fell down the falls laughing so hard.

We highly recommend a car date night and we definitely can’t wait to do this again!

6 Tips For A Romantic Tailgate Car Date

Here are some tips I have that I wanted to share with you-some we used and some we didn’t think of but will use next time!

  1. If you do takeout consider sushi or something meant to be served cold so it won’t get cold and get soggy by the time you reach your destination.
  2. You could always pack your own food if you are picky, have diet restrictions, and or want to save some money. I’m thinking a great menu plan for a tailgate date car date next time would be to make my Caesar salad with blackened chicken, lava cake, and some gazpacho soup which could be served in to-go coffee cups.
  3. I’ll remember to pack hand wipes and napkins next time-the restaurant forgot to give us some for the sushi and the kids cleared them all out of the car when they were cleaning it, lol!
  4. Decorate the vehicle or pack things to make the date scene pretty. My theme was of course boho so I used throw rugs, fabrics, a giant pillow, faux furs. The lights would have really been a nice touch! Oh well, next time!
  5. Optional-you don’t have to decorate the car in advance, you could just bring what you want to decorate it with and do this when you get there, but I did this step a few hours before we left for our date.
  6. Download your favorite songs for dinner music in case you don’t have service where you’re going.

If you enjoyed 6 Tips For A Romantic Tailgate Car Date be sure to check out my other marriage related posts HERE including Six Date Night At Home Tips For Parents.

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